Transborder Europe

The University of Trieste is looking forward to welcoming over 120 participants, of which more than one hundred are from the universities of our Alliance.

The first T4Eu week in Italy will focus on “Transborder Europe”.

It will officially start on Monday, 5th June at 10 a.m., in the Aula Magna of Building A, where the opening plenary session will take place with the welcoming of all guests and institutional greetings.

The five-day programme is rich and varied.

T4E Week in Tallin: Mobility week selection procedure

The T4EU week in Tallin “Design and Sustainability” will be held on 13th – 17th June at The Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA). List of students who were selected to participate in the first T4EU week of 2023 from the University of Trieste:




T4EU Week in Tallin – EKA “Design and Sustainability” from 13th to 17th June

The Estonian Academy of Arts (EKA) invites MA and PhD students of all the Transform4Europe partner universities to take part in the Transform4Europe Week @EKA.

The event will be held in Tallinn, form 13th to 17th June and the topic is “Design and Sustainability”.

Sustainability is one of the core values of EKA – we promote sustainable thinking and green transition on every level, and integrate it in our teaching, research and artistic activities. We think that art and design are important part of the solution to the ecological crisis.

Selected students will get to know about artistic research, situated writing, curating in the art museum, artist originality in the age of digital technologies, mending textiles and the future of fashion.

Three students per partner university will be accepted. Further information about the courses and registration links will be sent to the selected students soon.

To apply, please fill in this form by 7th May 2023

Apply to the T4EU week in Trieste

Students: we are glad and excited to announce that you can now apply to the T4EU Week organised by the University of Trieste!

We invite BA, MA and Phd students to participate in one of the most significant events of the year, whose main topic is Transborder Europe.

As you could see from the programme published last week, we have organised a didactic, an administrative, and a cultural/social stream, plus workshops, sport activities and even a live concert!

If you wish to apply, just fill in this application form  by 8th May. Spread the word!

Selected students will then receive a second link to choose optional activities and parallel events they wish to attend.

T4EU week in Trieste 5 – 9 June | ‘Transboarder Europe’

The University of Trieste will organise their Transform4Europe week from 5th to 9th June 2023.

We are glad and excited to share with you the programme of our T4EU week, from 5th to 9th June 2023. Get ready!

As you will see, we have organised a didactic, an administrative, and a cultural/social stream, plus workshops, sport activities and even a live concert!

In addition, there are going to be some parallel events running at the same time, namely: the Management for Innovation Conference (MIC), an Open Dual Lecture, three International Visiting Lectureships, a Stakeholder Engagement workshop, and a lot of networking activities.

The T4EU week at the University of Trieste is open to all students (BA, MA, PhD), administrative and academic staff.

Each university of the T4EU Alliance will select 10 students, 2 members of administrative staff and 2 academics.

Applications are open until 30th April!

Mobility week selection procedure in T4EU week “Just Transition” – University of Silesia

“Just Transition”, the new Transform4Europe Week will take place from the 24th to the 28th of April at the University of Silesia,
in the Katowice campus .

List of students who were selected to participate in the first T4EU week of 2023 from the University of Trieste:
