Research Doctorate

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Final examination for doctoral students

    Doctoral Office - Final examination   - email
The Rector awards the “Dottore di ricerca” degree to candidates who have successfully passed their final examination, thus proving to have achieved highly scientific and original results. In their final examination, candidates are expected to successfully defend their thesis, which must have been reviewed by two external referees of high scientific standing appointed by the Academic Board. Candidates can be admitted to the public defense in the first exam session or else their viva can be postponed by six months. The final examination/defence/viva voce is public, and is held before a Board of Examiners selected by the Academic Boards and appointed by Rector’s Decree. Should the candidate fail to pass the exam, s/he has no other chance to take the final examination again.

Regulations for final examination and checklist - 36° cycle - Official Board no. 1274/2022 Prot. 91275, 20 June 2023
[Regulations for final examination and checklist - 36° cycle - Official Board no. 1274/2022 Prot. 91275, 20 June 2023 -  (pdf)] (30.10.23)
I Exam Session: 1 February - 31 March 2024 (deadline upload thesis 31/10/2023)
Candidates eligible for refereeing and admitted to final examination - Board of examiners and schedule
[Candidates eligible for refereeing and admitted to final examination - Board of examiners and schedule -  (pdf)] (19.12.23)
Extraordinary Exam Session: 1 - 31 May 2024 (deadline upload thesis 31/01/2024)
Candidates eligible for refereeing and admitted to final examination - Board of examiners and schedule
[Candidates eligible for refereeing and admitted to final examination - Board of examiners and schedule -  (pdf)] (12.01.24)
II Exam Session: 15 September - 15 October 2024 (deadline upload thesis 31/05/2024)

GRADUATION DAY 35° cycle - 24 October 2023 Aula Magna
DELIVERY OF DIPLOMAS - contact 040-5582945 from 12.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.

Report on research activities
[Report on research activities -  (doc)] (03.10.16)
Final examination form
[Final examination form -  (pdf)] (31.10.23)
Thesis cover form (36° cycle)
[Thesis cover form <b>(36° cycle)</b> -  (doc)] (20.09.23)
Thesis cover form (35° cycle)
[Thesis cover form <b>(35° cycle)</b> -  (doc)] (25.05.23)
Consorzio AlmaLaurea - online questionnaire
Linee guida in materia di Embargo tesi Tesi di dottorato e diritto d’autore
Modulo per la richiesta di prolungamento dell'embargo, dopo i primi 12 mesi dalla discussione dell'elaborato
[Modulo per la richiesta di <b>prolungamento</b> dell'embargo, <b>dopo i primi 12 mesi dalla discussione dell'elaborato</b> -  (pdf)] (04.12.19)
Diploma - How to collect it
[Diploma - How to collect it -  (pdf)] (04.12.15)

Riconoscimento accademico dei titoli esteri di Dottorato di Ricerca (Legge n. 15/2022)

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Linee guida dell’Universitŕ degli Studi di Trieste

Informazioni aggiornate al: 26.7.2024 alle ore 06:05