
Research Topics

At ANCHOR-SUNDYN we are interested in organic materials and hybrid organic/inorganic interfaces. We aim at the characterization of chemical and electronic properties of such system by means of X-ray and laser-based spectroscopies. These are some topics that we are currently exploring:

Exciton dynamics in organic semiconductors


We aim at characterizing the electronic processes in organic semiconductors and hybrid organic heterojunctions in real time by means of laser and X-ray based pump-probe spectroscopies. Our research addresses the fundamental steps of charge generation in prototypical optoelectronic and photovoltaic devices.

On-surface synthesis


We investigate protocols for the synthesis in-situ of large molecules, 2D materials or covalent frameworks, starting from molecular building blocks. We characterize the chemistry of the systems, their charge dynamic properties. The purpose of the research is to build interfaces to be potentially adopted as smart electrodes in organic electronics.

Photo-induced modification of matter


By using laser pulses to pump a system and synchrotron X-ray pulses to probe it, we characterize the evolution of its chemical properties in the sub-nanosecond time scale. These studies are crucial to assess the stability of novel materials for optoelectronics under optical excitation.

Chemical guest-host at surfaces


We exploit the functional groups of molecules to first functionalize a surface by the in-situ growth of a molecular film on top and then to promote the molecular recognition of guest molecules through a chemical guest-host affinity. We study the chemistry of the obtained interfaces and in particular we explore their ultra-fast charge transfer properties, which may be related to an efficient electronic transport within the systems.