A multidisciplinary CNR-IOM laboratory located at the Elettra Synchrotron (Italy).
Designed for the in situ growth and characterization of organic thin films
and for the study of the electronic structure dynamics by means of optical pump / X-ray probe spectroscopies.

News and highlights

July 2024
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Our new website is online!

Have a look around, and get to know our work.

July 2024
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New paper

We show here the role of adventitious oxygen in the on-surface synthesis of polyboroxine molecules.

January 2024
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New paper

We characterized the dehydrogenation of graphane by pump-probe X-ray photoemission. We also measured the sub-ns dynamics of C1s, showing surface photovoltage and transient lattice heating.

Our research interests:

Exciton dynamics in organic semiconductors

We use laser and X‑ray pump‑probe spectroscopies to study electronic processes in organic semiconductors and hybrid heterojunctions.

On-surface synthesis

We investigate in situ synthesis protocols for large molecules, 2D materials, and covalent frameworks to build interfaces for potential use as smart electrodes in organic electronics.

Photo-induced modification of matter

We characterize the sub‑nanosecond evolution of chemical properties to assess the stability of novel optoelectronic materials under optical excitation.

Chemical guest-host
at surfaces

We functionalize surfaces with organic films to promote molecular recognition, and improve the interfacial charge transfer.

Read more about our research
