Mobility week in Kaunas -Lithuania

Transform4Europe invites you to participate in the Mobility Week on March 20th-25th held by Vytautas Magnus University.

The focus is on the ‘Critical Heritage’ course, which will rally on dealing with the difficult legacies of modernity and the Cold War. Participants will have an opportunity to be introduced with topics on military and industrial heritage, which nowadays pose matchless challenges technologically, socially, and environmentally. 

The lectures will present in-depth theoretical analysis and case studies on topics such as nationalism, colonialism, and heritage.

During 5 days course, activities will include visits to heritage sites, museums, urban and architectural walks, military and industrial sites, as well as film screenings and discussions. Participants will take part in individual and group activities and will have to prepare a final project afterwards. 

From academic point of view, the heritage field will be explored in a critical and transdisciplinary context, focusing on local, national, and global aspects. Thus, you will have the chance to discuss the diversity of engagements with the past, and social and environmental sustainability.  

The ‘Critical Heritage’ course will provide students with the best practice to develop the skills necessary to be able to define heritage issues and articulate a personal understanding by developing a case study on selected locality, community, and issue. 

Focusing on emerging trends in the heritage field, the course will discuss heritage as a modern concept and its transformations, as a policy and a cultural practice both shaped by and shaping political, economic, social, and environmental realities. 

All participants who will complete the course will be issued with certificates and transcripts of records for 6 ECTS, which will be recognized by the entire T4EU alliance.  

Note, travel and accommodation expenses will be funded by T4EU initiative, please contact T4EU office at your home university.  

Application deadline is February 5th

If you have any questions, please e-mail to 

Bachelor Track Courses at Vytautas Magnus University

The university network  Transform4Europe aims to train a new generation of young Europeans who will work together across disciplines applying the acquired digital, intercultural and entrepreneurial skills. This training will enable you to actively participate in shaping the necessary transformation processes in Europe.

Vytautas Magnus University encourages bachelor students from every Transform4Europe Alliance university in the upcoming spring semester to join Europe-oriented Bachelor Tracks as an additional course.   

The Transform4Europe Track consists of common core modules on the following topics: 

  • Knowledge Entrepreneurship; 
  • Languages & Intercultural Competencies; 
  • European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy. 

You can also select the track according to your needs and interests from 3 optional challenge-based tracks: 

  • Digital Transformation and Smart Regions; 
  • Environmental Transformation and Sustainability; 
  • Societal Transformation, Community Building and Inclusion. 

What are your benefits? 

  • Exchanging ideas with students from other academic cultures. 
  • Gaining and developing European competencies in a narrower relevant subfield. 
  • Increasing your career opportunities by a unique profile development. 
  • Increasing future research and career opportunities in interdisciplinary fields. 
  • Networking possibilities with students from other European universities. 

The spring semester at Vytautas Magnus University starts from February 1 and runs until June 30. The examination session will continue till June 13

Registration is open from January 16 till January 29, 2023.  

For more information please contact or  

T4EU Entrepreneurship Week

The University of Trieste, as a partner of the Transform4Europe project (T4EU), will organise the first T4EU ENTREPRENEURIAL SCHOOL to support and foster student entrepreneurship within the T4EU Alliance.

It will focus on innovative environments, like incubators, accelerators, and innovative cities that can support entrepreneurs in every step of their way to fulfilling their projects – pre-seed, seed, start-up, accelerate, scale-up, consolidate. It is also designed to help them find the right partner at each stage of their growth.

The T4EU ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK will take place from 12th to 16th December 2022 at the Contamination Lab (CLAB) of the University of Trieste and will see the participation of 35 students and 5 mentors from across the alliance countries.

The programme is very rich and exciting, and it includes visits to the most innovative Technology Parks of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region . The event will also host academics, entrepreneurs, business analysts and international speakers.

A delegation from the University of Trieste visited the campus of Saarbrücken

Within the Transform4Europe Alliance, the kick-off meeting for a research cooperation between Saarland University (Sport Science Institute) and Trieste University (Department of Life Sciences – Psychology Unit) took place this week. A delegation from the University of Trieste – Prof. Tiziano Agostini, Prof. Mauro Murgia and Prof. Fabrizio Sors – visited the campus of Saarbrücken and the laboratories of Prof. Sabine Schaefer, Dr. Christian Kaczmarek, and MA Kai Leisge. The cooperation aims to investigate the effects of spectators on untrained fine-motor skills, and sport-specific effects of spectators (e.g., in soccer).

The meeting represented a fruitful opportunity to exchange ideas and plan a set of research activities that will be conducted jointly by the research groups of both universities in the next months.

The European Student Assembly


Call for applications by students at the Transform4Europe alliance universities

The European Universities Community is launching the second edition of the European Student Assembly [#ESA23].

The European Student Assembly is a grassroots project that gathers each year more than 200 students from different European University Alliances (EUA) to debate current issues, draft political recommendations for the future of Europe and advocate them among stakeholders and decision makers. It is monitored by an international team of students and staff from higher education institutions involved in the European Universities Initiative.

From March to May 2023, the selected students will work remotely to deepen their understanding of a chosen topic and prepare recommendations before meeting with their peers for a 3 days intercultural event in Strasbourg from 31 May to 2 June to discuss and finalise their recommendations.

As students and part of Transform4Europe, you are eligible to apply!

Please note that accommodation costs will be taken care of by ESA, and that selected students will have their travel costs from European countries covered by Transform4Europe.

Applications are open and the deadline to submit your application is 4th December (before 23:59 CET).

Please read the #ESA23 handbook before applying.

European university Alliance T4EU to include 3 more partners and Ukrainian university

The Transform4Europe Alliance is proud to announce that the Consortium, now consisting of 7 partner Universities, will grow even bigger in the future: On 9 November, the rectors of our consortium as well as the rectors of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisbon, Portugal), the University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenia), the Jean Monnet University (Saint Etienne, France) met to discuss the collaboration within our European University Alliance.

This enlargement  represents a further development to our common goal: Transforming Europe by educating and training knowledge entrepreneurs and overcoming modern challenges together.

Our new partners do not only share our great European values and ambitions, but they also geographically and linguistically diversify our Alliance even further and will contribute with their experience and ideas in knowledge entrepreneurlism for the digital, environmental and societal transformation.

In addition, the Transform4Europe Alliance shows their strong support with Ukraine by welcoming Mariupol State University as an associated partner to the Consortium. The Alliance will do everything at their hands to support the Ukrainian University that has undergone severe shelling by Russia and is now operating in the Exile from Kyiv, thus defending European values and scientific freedom.

To our new partners:

Bem-vindo, Dobrodošli, Bienvenue and Ласкаво просимо!

LOL – Life in Original Language

WIthin the initiatives connected to the T4EU Project, Saturday, October the 22nd, the students of two partner Universities held an initiative for which they had started working a few months ago.

The international conference, entitled “Life in Original Language”, aimed at highlighting the incredible life experiences that language knowledge can bring you.

Three speakers from USaar (Lukas Redemann), SISSA (Nadia Bersier) and Units (Francesca Di Rosso) spoke about how they lived abroad, learned each time the local language, and how enriching it was to seek understanding between cultures.

But their message about multilingualism would have been less strong, if they hadn’t spoken each in their language (German, French and Italian), simultaneously interpreted by the students of the Studies Section in Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Trieste.

A special award goes to the Student Group “Trieste Interpreting Practice”, which launched the project and organized the whole event, granted by the University of Trieste and University of Saarland under the flag of the T4EU Alliance.

Margherita Giordano, T4EU Student Ambassador from Trieste comments: 

“As a language student, it was really interesting to hear how foreign languages can play an important role in the lives of people who use them on a daily basis as a way to communicate, rather than as the main element of their jobs or studies.

It was also very useful to learn more about the job of interpreters, and I found it fascinating to listen to them as they interpreted simultaneously.”

Multilingualism and Multiculturalism are indeed a corner stone in the Transform4Europe European University Project and are also part of one of the 3 key actions of the European Students Assembly.

In taking the initiative, the students of the partner Universities showed that these are not empty words and that they are ready to live up to it.  

Innovative Teaching Award: the winners!

This year, Transform4Europe Alliance hosted its first Innovative Teaching Award for all Alliance members. The purpose of this award was to identify, acknowledge and recognize innovative teaching practices and to provide opportunities not only for sharing and exchanging best examples but also to encourage cooperation between the Higher Education Institutions of the Transform4Europe alliance.

The applications were evaluated, and a mixed committee selected the winners. The Selection Committee was composed of 7 representatives (one member per institution) and included teaching staff members, students or independent experts (stakeholders, etc.).

The awards consist of 2500 € each for the realization of innovative or creative teaching projects (4 awards). The next round of applications will be announced in 2023.

The four winners will be presented their awards during the first annual Transform4Europe international Conference-hackathon for Innovative Teaching and Learning Methods in Higher Education on 24 October 2022. You can check the full conference programme here.

Best-rated Innovative Teaching ideas:

1) Educational Escape Room
Monika Frania from the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

 Monika Frania from the University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland

The optional Educational Escape Room course is an example of good didactic practice for teaching adults, where education meets fun. Participants, divided into project teams, deepen their digital skills and social competencies, taking part in an adventure during which they not only solve puzzles but have to create their escape room. For this, one needs knowledge, creativity, and determination. In education, overcoming difficulties is essential, and the escape room is an example of a challenge.

2) Critical Thinking and the Digital Gender Divide: Transforming Students’ Mindset for a Better Future
María D. De-Juan-Vigaray and María Elena González Gascón from the University of Alicante, Spain

María D. De-Juan-Vigaray and María Elena González Gascón from the University of Alicante, Spain

The purpose of this good practice is to discover whether Active Learning methodology, using different technologies, contributes to improving the Critical Thinking of the student body, applying it to the Digital Gender Divide. The importance of the practice becomes relevant in the context of European higher transformation to students of the Business Administration programme in their final semester of studies, who are about to become professionals entering the labour market.

3) Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy
Tobias Hüppe and Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy from Saarland University, Germany

Tobias Hüppe and Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Pain Therapy from Saarland University, Germany

“Masterclass: Intensive Care Medicine” is offered synchronously as an interactive live event. The 15 seminars (120 min each) are given by fifteen internationally experienced intensivists and include the topics of Shock and Resuscitation – Cardiac Disease – Respiratory Disease – Renal Disease – Infectious Disease – Surgical – Medical Ethics in ICU. The course includes clinical case scenarios, ventilator curves and biochemistry, blended learning with a video-based visit to the intensive care unit, principles and content of evidence-based critical care medicine and an online final exam. Live demonstrations of intensive care interventions (intubation, bronchoscopy, thoracic drainage installation, cannulation of an ECMO, etc. on cadaver preparations) are intended to convey the practical elements of intensive care medicine.

4) Visible Interactive Speaker for International Best Learning Experience
Marcel Lauterbach from Saarland University, Germany

 Marcel Lauterbach from Saarland University, Germany

Programming skills for data analysis are taught in an international online class to interdisciplinary students from six universities. The class uses a virtual webcam to make the lecturer visible in the PowerPoint slides, which creates a personal link with the students. Using a “virtual webcam” that overlays PowerPoint and the webcam, the presenter becomes visible IN the slides, not in a separate small window. Exercises with personal tutoring in breakout sessions give immediate feedback to the students, and in-class discussions with them contribute to community building and inclusion.

A delegation of our University is in Kaunas to attend the conference and taking part to the workshops:

Prof. Giovanni Bacaro gives the lecture: “How to “game” the system through the promotion of inclusive student-built game-based frameworks in STEM subjects.”

Prof. Giovanni Bacaro gives the lecture: “How to “game” the system through the promotion of inclusive student-built game-based frameworks in STEM subjects.”

Professors Valentina Bologna, Elena Bortolotti, Francesco Longo, Renata Longo, Maria Peressi, Paolo Sorzio are giving the lecture: “Including students with learning disorders in Physics Higher Education.”

Tullia Catalan, Roberta Altin

And Professors Alessandro Carrieri, Tullia Catalan, Roberta Altin will take part at the Transform4europe International Conference-Hackathon for INNO-METHODS Workshop

T4ERI and social inclusion through museums in border areas: the new icom 2022 definition

We will hold the Trieste Regional Policy Roundtable on 3rd October 2022 from 5pm to 7pm.The title of this event will be: T4ERI and social inclusion through museums in border areas: the new ICOM 2022 definition.

This roundtable reflects the will to discuss how, and to what extent, our region can implement the new definition of ‘inclusive’, as recently established by ICOM, the International Council of Museums, in Prague.

The content of the roundtable is well illustrated by the following sentence: “A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches, collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage. Open to the public, accessible and inclusive, museums foster diversity and sustainability. They operate and communicate ethically, professionally and with the participation of communities, offering varied experiences for education, enjoyment, reflection and knowledge sharing.”

The event, moderated by Prof. Roberta Altin and Prof. Tullia Catalan from the University of Trieste, will be divided into two parts:

  • 1st part: prof. Catherine Brice of the Paris-Est Créteil University and Dr. Mario Buletic, Curator of the Ethnographic Museum of Istria, in Pazin (Croatia) will introduce the topic of the roundtable;
  • 2nd part:  stakeholders will engage in a debate around the new definition of ‘participative museum’, as defined by ICOM, starting from questions by the moderators.

The following Stakeholders have been invited:

The event will be live-streamed and anyone can participate.