Daniele Coslovich
Associate professor
TSCM group
Physics Department
University of Trieste
Dipartimento di Fisica
Università di Trieste
Strada Costiera 11
34151 Trieste (Italy)
My research deals with the physics of disordered systems, with a focus on supercooled liquids and glasses. My work is based on statistical physics methods, computer simulations and some tools borrowed from data science.
Check out this page for a glimpse of my research interests.
Recent papers and seminars
"Glassy Dynamics and Local Crystalline Order in Two-Dimensional Amorphous Silica"
M. Dirindin, D. Coslovich, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 129, 1095 (2025)
"Roadmap on machine learning glassy dynamics"
G. Jung, R. Alkemade, V. Bapst, D. Coslovich, L. Filion, F. Landes, A. Liu, F. Pezzicoli, H. Shiba, G. Volpe, F. Zamponi, L. Berthier, G. Biroli, Nature Reviews Physics 7, 91 (2025)
"Policy-guided Monte Carlo on general state spaces: Application to glass-forming mixtures"
L. Galliano, R. Rende, D. Coslovich, The Journal of Chemical Physics 161, 064503 (2024)
"Machine learning glassy dynamics: What do humans learn?"
SISSA, Trieste (Italy), 2024
"Unsupervised learning and intrinsic dimension of amorphous structure"
12th Liquid Matter Conference, Mainz (Germany), 2024
"Unsupervised learning of amorphous structure"
First International Workshop on Complex Glasses, Warsaw (Poland), 2023
My codes are available on framagit. Among other things, I develop atooms, a high-level Python framework to deal with particle-based simulations, such as molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo.
Check out this page for an overview of the codes I develop and to which I contribute.
Latest releases
berni - What's new in version 0.2.0, released 4/2/2025
Database of interaction models for molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations
pantarei - What's new in version 0.6.2, released 4/2/2025
A general-purpose workflow manager
f2py-jit - What's new in version 1.2.0, released 2/2/2025
Just-in-time Fortran extension builder for Python
atooms - What's new in version 3.24.1, released 19/1/2025
A framework for simulations of interacting particles
Featured packages
A high-level Python framework to deal with particle-based simulations.
Compute static and dynamic correlation functions from particles' trajectories.
I am teaching the following courses at the University of Trieste
Simulazioni atomistiche e molecolari
Laurea Magistrale in Fisica
- Monte Carlo simulations
- effective interactions
- phase diagrams
Fisica dei sistemi disordinati
Laurea Magistrale in Fisica
- structure and dynamics of liquids
- glass transitions
- spin glass models
Modern tools for computational science
Ph.D. program in Physics
- Version control
- Code management
- Just-in-time compilation
- Reproducible research
Tesi di laurea triennali e magistrali
The thesis projects I supervise are based on statistical mechanics and computer simulations, and may involve computational and/or theoretical investigations of
- disordered systems (ex. liquids, supercooled liquids, glasses)
- soft and active matter (ex. colloidal suspensions, flocks)
- complex systems (ex. opinion dynamics, epidemics on networks)
See my research interest for a brief description of topics I am working on. I am happy to supervise projects with a focus on computational methods, such as
- sampling and optimization algorithms
- machine learning / data science
- reproducible research approaches
Get in touch with me for an informal chat about possible projects.