
  1. "Machine learning glassy dynamics: What do humans learn?"
    Seminar, H. H. Wills Laboratory, Bristol (U.K.), 2025

  2. "Machine learning glassy dynamics: What do humans learn?"
    Seminar, SISSA, Trieste (Italy), 2024

  3. "Unsupervised learning and intrinsic dimension of amorphous structure"
    Contributed talk, 12th Liquid Matter Conference, Mainz (Germany), 2024

  4. "Unsupervised learning of amorphous structure"
    Invited talk, First International Workshop on Complex Glasses, Warsaw (Poland), 2023

  5. "Quantitative tests of the dynamic crossover scenario in glassy liquids"
    Invited talk, International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems 9th, Chiba (Japan), 2023

  6. "Machine learning glasses: What do humans learn?"
    Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition XIX, Holbaek (Denmark), 2023

  7. "Towards understanding glassy dynamics: from physical theories to machine learning"
    Seminar, International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste (Italy), 2023

  8. "Recent breakthroughs in the glass transition problem"
    Seminar, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Università di Roma Tre, Rome (Italy), 2023

  9. "Dynamic crossover and localization transition in glassy liquids"
    Seminar, Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven (Netherlands), 2023

  10. "Dimensionality reduction of structure in glassy liquids"
    Invited talk, Machine Learning Glassy Dynamics, Collège de France (France), 2022

  11. "Unsupervised learning of structure in glassy binary mixtures"
    Contributed talk, Disorder's Role in Glass Formation and Deformation, Lorentz Center (Netherlands), 2022

  12. "Glass structure through the prism of clustering"
    Invited talk, Glassy Systems and Inter-Disciplinary Applications, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (France), 2021

  13. "Distributional clustering approach to the heterogeneity of supercooled liquids"
    Invited talk, Digital meeting - Recent advances on the glass problem, CECAM (Switzerland), 2021

  14. "Statistical inference of structural communities in supercooled liquids"
    Seminar, Laboratoire de Physiques de Solides, Université Paris-Sud, Paris (France), 2020

  15. "Structural communities"
    Seminar, Meeting of the Simons collaboration "Cracking the glass problem", Royaumont (France), 2019

  16. "A new characteristic temperature for glassy dynamics"
    Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition (XVI), Holbaek (Denmark), 2019

  17. "Towards a coherent picture of the mode-coupling glass crossover"
    Invited talk at national conference, The Physical Society of Japan 2019 Annual (74th) Meeting, Fukuoka (Japan), 2019

  18. "A sharper view of glass formation"
    Seminar, Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan), 2019

  19. "Dynamic and thermodynamic crossovers on the way to glass formation"
    Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Nagoya, Nagoya (Japan), 2019

  20. "Clear-cut determination of the mode-coupling crossover in glass-forming liquids"
    Contributed talk at national conference, Journées de Physique Statistique 2019, Paris (France), 2019

  21. "Dynamic crossover in glass-forming liquids: Insights from multi-GPU simulations"
    Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition (XV), Holbaek (Denmark), 2018

  22. "Does swap Monte Carlo accelerate nucleation more than structural relaxation?"
    Contributed talk, Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics VII, Bristol (U.K.), 2018

  23. "Probing the laboratory glass transition with swap Monte Carlo simulations"
    Invited talk at national conference, Workshop on Glass Transition and Active Matter, Strasbourg (France), 2017

  24. "Catching up with experiments: Simulations of supercooled liquids beyond laboratory time scales"
    Contributed talk, 10th Liquid Matter Conference, Ljubljana (Slovenia), 2017

  25. "Equilibrium simulations of supercooled liquids beyond laboratory time scales"
    Seminar, University of Bristol, Bristol (United Kingdom), 2017

  26. "Equilibrium simulations of supercooled liquids beyond the laboratory glass transition"
    Invited talk, CECAM workshop "Recent Advances on the Glass and Jamming Transitions", Lausanne (Switzerland), 2017

  27. "Static sources of dynamic fluctuations in glass-formers"
    Contributed talk, Statphys 26, Lyon (France), 2016

  28. "HPC and atomistic simulations"
    Seminar, HPC@LR computing center, University of Montpellier, Montpellier (France), 2016

  29. "Disks, spheres and hyper-spheres: from order to disorder in condensed matter"
    Seminar, Colloquium Alumnorum, University of Trieste, Trieste (Italy), 2016

  30. "Non-universal role of local structure around the dynamic crossover"
    Invited talk, CECAM workshop "The role of local structure in dynamic arrest", Mainz (Germany), 2015

  31. "The dynamic crossover - insights from numerical simulations"
    Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition (XIII), Holbaek (Denmark), 2015

  32. "Local structure and dynamic heterogeneity: do they correlate?"
    Contributed talk, Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics VI, Aspen (U.S.), 2015

  33. "Quantifying structure-dynamics correlations in glassy systems"
    Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition. XII, Holbaek (Denmark), 2014

  34. "Probing length scales in viscous liquids by random pinning"
    Contributed talk, 2nd International Workshop on Nonlinear Response in Complex Matter, Erlangen (Germany), 2013

  35. "Structure-dynamics relationship in glass-forming liquids"
    Seminar, Roskilde University, Roskilde (Denmark), 2013

  36. "Gaussian particles at high density: local structure and slow dynamics"
    Invited talk, 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Barcelona (Spain), 2013

  37. "Many-body static correlations and fragility of viscous liquids"
    Contributed talk, Unifying concepts in glass physics V, Paris (France), 2011

  38. "Ultrasoft primitive model of polyelectrolytes in solution"
    Invited talk, 32nd International Conference on Solution Chemistry, La Grande Motte (France), 2011

  39. "Slow dynamics in cluster crystals and cluster glasses"
    Contributed talk, International Workshop on Dynamics in Viscous Liquids, Rome (Italy), 2011

  40. "Structural motifs, heterogeneity and dynamics in glassy systems"
    Seminar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, (Slovenia), 2010

  41. "Amorphous order and unstable modes in close-packed and network glasses"
    Invited talk, COST Workshop on Physics of Amorphous Solids, Les Houches (France), 2010

  42. "Amorphous order and dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids"
    Seminar, Laboratoire des Colloides, Verres et Nanomateriaux, Montpellier (France), 2010

  43. "Snapshots of glassy energy landscapes"
    Seminar, Vienna University, Vienna (Austria), 2009

  44. "Strongly correlating liquids and density scaling of the dynamics"
    Invited talk, International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems 6th, Rome (Italy), 2009

  45. "Close-packed and network-forming glasses: Two distinct universality classes?"
    Seminar, Science College Seminar, Vienna (Austria), 2009

  46. "Density scaling of the dynamics and pressure-energy correlations in fragile glass-formers"
    Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition VII, Holbaek (Denmark), 2009

  47. "Understanding fragility in supercooled liquids: locally preferred structures and energy landscape"
    Contributed talk, CECAM Workshop "Glasses meet glasses", Lyon (France), 2007

  48. "Linking slow dynamics and local structure in simple models of glass-forming liquids"
    Invited talk, 15th International Congress on Rheology, Monterey (U.S.), 2008

  49. "Localized saddles and dynamic heterogeneities in supercooled liquids"
    Seminar, Van t Hoff Institute, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2006

  50. "Dynamical heterogeneities and localized saddles in supercooled Lennard-Jones mixtures"
    Contributed talk, CCP5 Summer Schhol 2006, Cardiff (U.K.), 2006