Theory and simulation of condensed matter @UniTS

We are a group of physicists working at the Department of Physics, University of Trieste. Our focus is on computational and theoretical modelling of hard and soft condensed matter.


A roadmap on machine learning glassy dynamics published in Nature Reviews Physics

Understanding glassy dynamics in disordered systems is a notoriously hard problem. Daniele Coslovich contributed to a review paper highlighting challenges and directions to tackle this problem with machine learning methods.

A milestone in solving the quantum many-body problem published in Science

An international collaboration of scientists, involving Federico Becca, has introduced a new benchmark to compare the performance of methods to solve the quantum many-body problem.

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Welcome to Luis Aldemar Peña Ardila!

Luis Aldemar Peña Ardila just joined our group as a tenure-track associate professor. Luis is an expert on quantum gases and ultracold atoms: we are looking forward to collaborating with him. Welcome to the group, Luis!

Our research

Modern condensed matter physics is concerned with phenomena that emerge from interactions of a large number of interacting particles. Our group investigates the properties of condensed matter across a broad range of length scales and physical conditions, using a combination of theoretical and computational methods. We focus on low-dimensional materials and surfaces, liquids, glasses and soft matter, as well as novel quantum materials. We develop and use bleeding-edge simulation techniques, bridging ab-initio methods, enhanced sampling techniques and machine learning algorithms.

The city of Trieste hosts a large number of research centers that have Physics at their core. Our group is located at the International Center for Theoretical Physics, in the Miramare campus. The center hosts a wealth of scientific activities throughout the year and provides an exceptional environment for theoretical physics research. We collaborate with the Condensed matter and Statistical Physics group at ICTP, as well as with other research groups at SISSA and ELETTRA.

Strongly-correlated lattice models

Modern condensed matter is concerned with situations where quantum physics and many-body interactions play a key role to create new physical phenomena.


Soft matter

When the typical size of the elementary constituents becomes mesoscopic, materials become soft: when subject to deformation, they flow more easily than hard matter made of atoms and molecules.

Supercooled liquids and glasses

The theoretical description of the glass transition is one of the main open problems in condensed matter physics. Why does the viscosity of supercooled liquids increase dramatically by decreasing temperature?

Electronic structure of materials

We are involved in experiments making massive use of atomic-scale numerical simulations of materials using a first-principles approach.


Ultracold quantum matter

We study quantum properties in many-body physics that give rise to collective excitations and phenomena, and are responsible for the emergence of states such as superconductivity and superfluidity.


Confined fermions

Particles confined in reduced dimensions (less than 3) exhibit new and often surprising behavior and phenomena, especially in the quantum regime and at low temperatures.


Join our group

If you are interested in carrying out research in theoretical and computational condensed matter physics, join our group at the Miramare campus!

As a bachelor or master student, you are welcome to start a thesis or internship on any of our research topics, ranging from ab-initio simulations to the statistical physics of liquids and glasses or quantum many-body systems. The project will feature an adjustable mix of theory and simulation, and may include collaboration with experimentalists. Get in touch with us about possible topics for your project!

If you want to apply for a PhD or postdoc positions, check out the regular calls on the UniTS website and the announcements in our News section. At any rate, feel free to get in contact with us for informal inquireies about projects and collaborations.


Permanent members

Federico Becca

Associate professor

Daniele Coslovich

Associate professor

Giorgio Pastore

Associate professor

Maria Peressi

Full professor

Luis Peña Ardila

Tenure-track associate professor

Gateano Senatore

Full professor

Enrico Smargiassi


Students and postdocs

Nicolas Bau

Ph.D. student

Davide Bidoggia

Ph.D. student

Marco Dirindin

Ph.D. student

Mitra Dowlatabadi

Ph.D. student

Roberta Favata

Ph.D. student

Leonardo Galliano

Ph.D. student

Nataliia Manko


Michele Matteucci

Ph.D. student

Francesco Tognocchi

Ph.D. student

Special guests

CM cluster

Our small dedicated CPU cluster, ideal for internship and PhD projects (94 cores, 240 RAM)

Bora cluster

HPC cluster of the Physics Department, funded by the Department of Excellence grant (2023-2028).

Recent publications