Mobility week selection procedure in T4EU Festival of European Culture – University of Silesia

The T4EU Festival of European Culture will be held on 24-28th April 2023 at the University of Silesia.

List of students who were selected to participate in the first T4EU week of 2023 from the University of Trieste:


“Just Transition”, the new Transform4Europe Week in Katowice

“Just Transition”, the new Transform4Europe Week will take place from the 24th to the 28th of April at the University of Silesia,
in the Katowice campus .

The focus of the week is on various aspects of changes that await the post-industrial regions. Undoubtedly, the challenges related to environmental protection and rapid climate change are among the most important ones .

BA and MA students will have the opportunity to participate in the following courses, for which they will receive 3 ECTS.

  • Challenges and choices of the Anthropocene epoch
  • Found in translation: how to understand cultures (and nature)
  • Negotiate your way in life and business
  • Metaversum and law
  • Gender equality in the society

To participate, please fill in the application form below by 22nd March 2023.

Please note that just 2 students will be selected for each module.

The winners will be announced by 29 March 2023.

Warning! The Transform4Europe Week and the Festival of European Culture are two separate events organised by the University of Silesia in the same week!

T4EU Festival of European Culture at the University of Silesia

Transform4Europe invites you to participate in the T4EU Festival of European Culture, which will be held on 24-28th April 2023 at the University of Silesia. With the event taking place in two different cities, the visitors will not only be able to feel the atmosphere of an urban city of Katowice and a cross-border city of Cieszyn, but they will also get a taste of Silesia region and Cieszyn Land. In addition to that, they will get a chance to experience various forms of artistic creativity in a wide range of workshops that have been prepared.

Note that travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by T4EU initiative.

This is the programme’s summary of the event:

There are 20 places available for each partner university.

Click here to apply.

Deadline for applications is 12th March 2023.

Bachelor tracks: find out what we are offering!

Starting from February 2023, T4EU students will have the opportunity to attend courses at Bachelor level, offered by Transform4Europe Alliance partner institutions, and integrate these programmes into their curriculum.

UniTS offers the following courses:

  • Entrepreneurship (hybrid)
  • Conservation and Management of Marine Ecosystems (hybrid)
  • Growth Economics (hybrid)
  • Project Cycle Management (only face-to-face)
  • Theory and Techniquest for Quality Control (hybrid)
  • Scientific Communication Techniques (hybrid)
  • EU Law and Policies (hybrid)
  • Geographic Information Systems for Ecological and Economical Studies (hybrid – partially delivered during the Trieste T4EU Week)
  • Economics of Natural Resources (hybrid)

To apply for courses offered by UNITS, fill in the registration form by 20th February 2023

Find out more on the Bachelor’s Tracks programme page

The Transform4Europe Track has three common core modules:

Knowledge Entrepreneurship

Languages & Intercultural Competencies

European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy

and optional challenge-based modules covering the three Transform4Europe focus areas:

Digital Transformation

Environmental Transformation

Societal Transformation

The courses will be held in different modalities:

  • face-to-face = students attend on campus
  • hybrid = Transform4Europe students attend online, home students attend on-campus
  • blended = the course is largely online (for all students), but there may be face-to-face elements, for instance for project work, during the mobility week or a final exam
  • basic course (BC) = Knowledge in the area of expertise
  • application course (AC) = Students apply knowledge to gain experience and generate societal transformative impact in limited scope

International Sustainability Workshop at USAAR

Saarland University will soon be hosting an international sustainability workshop from Monday, 3. April 2023 to Friday, 07. April 2023 (3rd and 7th April as dates for arrival and departure).
The deadline for the application is the 31 January.

The workshop intends to cover multiple fields of sustainability in the
academic environment and student’s engagement: the goal is not only to learn new things about sustainability and its role in different countries but also to discover how sustainability can be incorporated in academic structures.

At the end of the seminar, a common project will be developed together with the students to create a tool for international communication, cooperation and exchange to enhance university’s footprint.

What will await the participants?
A lot of international exchange! Since climate change affects every
country in the world, international cooperation and communication within
the young generation are now needed more than ever. Throughout various
workshops we will explore together as students how sustainability can be
realised on a micro- and a macro level.

Accommodation and travelling expenses will be financed by Transform4Europe. Accommodation in Saarbrücken will be organised by the student group “La Page Verte – die grüne Seite” which collects printed paper to produce new college blocks.

Who can participate?
The project is targeted at curious and openminded students from all
field of studies that either already participate in a sustainable
project at university or that already have a plan in mind and need help
or more information to start. After all, we come together to learn from
each other, to exchange ideas and inspire one another, so we don’t
expect people to already be an expert in everything.

Most importantly, the candidates must be motivated, open to exchange and willing to learn.
The number of candidates per university is limited to two students, but
we would highly recommend having a third candidate as a backup in case
of an inability to come. The workshop will be entirely in English. It is
therefore recommended that the participants have at least a B2 English

All applications are to be sent to the responsible person at Saarland
Please send the following information for your application:
Name, date of birth, university, email address, field of study, motivation (max. ½ page).

Mobility week in Kaunas -Lithuania

Transform4Europe invites you to participate in the Mobility Week on March 20th-25th held by Vytautas Magnus University.

The focus is on the ‘Critical Heritage’ course, which will rally on dealing with the difficult legacies of modernity and the Cold War. Participants will have an opportunity to be introduced with topics on military and industrial heritage, which nowadays pose matchless challenges technologically, socially, and environmentally. 

The lectures will present in-depth theoretical analysis and case studies on topics such as nationalism, colonialism, and heritage.

During 5 days course, activities will include visits to heritage sites, museums, urban and architectural walks, military and industrial sites, as well as film screenings and discussions. Participants will take part in individual and group activities and will have to prepare a final project afterwards. 

From academic point of view, the heritage field will be explored in a critical and transdisciplinary context, focusing on local, national, and global aspects. Thus, you will have the chance to discuss the diversity of engagements with the past, and social and environmental sustainability.  

The ‘Critical Heritage’ course will provide students with the best practice to develop the skills necessary to be able to define heritage issues and articulate a personal understanding by developing a case study on selected locality, community, and issue. 

Focusing on emerging trends in the heritage field, the course will discuss heritage as a modern concept and its transformations, as a policy and a cultural practice both shaped by and shaping political, economic, social, and environmental realities. 

All participants who will complete the course will be issued with certificates and transcripts of records for 6 ECTS, which will be recognized by the entire T4EU alliance.  

Note, travel and accommodation expenses will be funded by T4EU initiative, please contact T4EU office at your home university.  

Application deadline is February 5th

If you have any questions, please e-mail to 

Bachelor Track Courses at Vytautas Magnus University

The university network  Transform4Europe aims to train a new generation of young Europeans who will work together across disciplines applying the acquired digital, intercultural and entrepreneurial skills. This training will enable you to actively participate in shaping the necessary transformation processes in Europe.

Vytautas Magnus University encourages bachelor students from every Transform4Europe Alliance university in the upcoming spring semester to join Europe-oriented Bachelor Tracks as an additional course.   

The Transform4Europe Track consists of common core modules on the following topics: 

  • Knowledge Entrepreneurship; 
  • Languages & Intercultural Competencies; 
  • European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy. 

You can also select the track according to your needs and interests from 3 optional challenge-based tracks: 

  • Digital Transformation and Smart Regions; 
  • Environmental Transformation and Sustainability; 
  • Societal Transformation, Community Building and Inclusion. 

What are your benefits? 

  • Exchanging ideas with students from other academic cultures. 
  • Gaining and developing European competencies in a narrower relevant subfield. 
  • Increasing your career opportunities by a unique profile development. 
  • Increasing future research and career opportunities in interdisciplinary fields. 
  • Networking possibilities with students from other European universities. 

The spring semester at Vytautas Magnus University starts from February 1 and runs until June 30. The examination session will continue till June 13

Registration is open from January 16 till January 29, 2023.  

For more information please contact or  

T4EU Entrepreneurship Week

The University of Trieste, as a partner of the Transform4Europe project (T4EU), will organise the first T4EU ENTREPRENEURIAL SCHOOL to support and foster student entrepreneurship within the T4EU Alliance.

It will focus on innovative environments, like incubators, accelerators, and innovative cities that can support entrepreneurs in every step of their way to fulfilling their projects – pre-seed, seed, start-up, accelerate, scale-up, consolidate. It is also designed to help them find the right partner at each stage of their growth.

The T4EU ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK will take place from 12th to 16th December 2022 at the Contamination Lab (CLAB) of the University of Trieste and will see the participation of 35 students and 5 mentors from across the alliance countries.

The programme is very rich and exciting, and it includes visits to the most innovative Technology Parks of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region . The event will also host academics, entrepreneurs, business analysts and international speakers.