Lucio Cristante
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici
Università di Trieste
Via del Lazzaretto vecchio, 6
I – 34123 Trieste
Tel. +390405582843 Fax +390405582814
He studied at University of Padua under the teaching of Pietro
Ferrarino. He has been researcher and associate professor at the
University of Padua; presently he’s full professor at the University of
Trieste, where he teaches Latin Literature and Latin Philology. He is
actively involved in early music and performance practice.
He dedicated his research activity to the study of Late Antiquity’s encyclopaedic texts (Martianus Capella, Censorinus); he deals in particular with grammar tradition (Aelius Festus Aphthonius, Ars Victorini, Ars Palaemonis and Excerpta Audacis) and treatises on music from antiquity to humanism. He translated and annotaded poets (Ovid, Claudian), especially addressing issues of textual criticism on Ovid. He gave critical edition and annotations of several poems from Anthologia Latina.
He collaborated to the compilation of Latin dictionary published by Le Monnier.
He leads the team which works to the text’s review, translation and commentary of Martianus Capella De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii: he edited with Ireneo Filip and Luciano Lenaz the books I and II (Olms Verlag).
He is Editor of the review Incontri di filologia classica and co-editor of the review Anthologia Latina.
He is Director of the Series Polymnia
(EUT – Edizioni Università di Trieste) on archeology, classical
philology, numismatics and ancient history's studies, and director of
the section Studi di filologia classica.
He is co-director with Mark Fernandelli of Dicti studiosus. Classici della filologia in traduzione.
He is a member of the editorial staff of Nomenclator metricus Graecus et Latinus (Olms Verlag 2011), directed by Giuseppe Morelli.
He is a member of the Scientific Committee of the review Voces and of the online review CentoPagine.
He is a member of
Consulta Universitaria di Studi Latini and of the "Fondazione Lorenzo Valla" (Roma).
As a scholar in charge of an EC project, he has created the first
digital database of the noted manuscripts of the Patriarchate of
Aquileia, on which now leads, together with Nevio Zorzetti, the
improvement project:
He has taken many initiatives and organized meetings and seminars, aimed at teachers and scholars, for the diffusion and keeping up to date of the classic studies:
Incontri di Filologia Classica
seminars and their annual publication since 2001.
Il Calamo della Memoria
thematic meeting on ’literary system’ of the Late Antiquity since 2004.
He is responsible at the University of Trieste for theRéseau thématique: "Le phénomène littéraire aux premeiers siècles de notre ère" (Universités de Lille 3, Kraków, Lausanne, Louvain-La Neuve, Lisboa, Montpellier, Paris IV-Sorbonne, Pavia, Perpignan, Picardie, Toulouse 2 - Le Mirail, Trieste, Wroclaw).
He works with Marco Fernandelli in the organization of:
Seminari Triestini di Filologia, Filosofia e Arte antica
annual seminars, since 2002, entrusted to young graduates and PhD.
Seminari sulla Continuità dell’antico
Initiative sponsored by the University of Trieste with the support of
the State Library of Trieste, in collaboration with the Universities of
Lausanne, Ljubljana, Milan, Udine, Venice.
annual seminars since 2007, published in the international e-review CentoPagine CentoPagine.