Driver for PHILIPS SAA1064 v1.0



Driver for PHILIPS SAA1064 v1.0 is designed to drive, using I2C protocol, a PHILIPS SAA1064 device that control four 7-segment displays.

The I2C protocol and the handling of the I/O signals is implemented in a programmable device (FPGA).

It can control in different way, with “Expansion boards”, up to 4 SAA1064 devices.


System is composed by 2 parts: Hardware and Software:

Hardware part is composed by 2 boards:

Ø    “XSA50 Xess Board” uses a XC2S50 Spartan2 Xilinx FPGA.

Ø    “Display Board” that contains Philips SAA1064 device and 4 7-segment displays.

Software part is composed by all necessary files to programming FPGA and documentation.



Driver SAA1064 (manual): complete Italian description of the system

Driver SAA1064 (addendum): Contains all schematics, photos and PCB

Driver SAA1064 (cover) (Xilix files to use in project navigator)

TEST.BIT (to test the system)

PCB.ZIP(fidocad PCB files of “Display Board” and “Expansion Board”) to make PCB + library eventually needed to use it) (to download the latest version of Fidocad)