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Learning mobility - outgoing

In the framework of the Erasmus+ KA1 for learning mobility programme, students can go abroad for 3 to 12 months.
During their mobility period, they may attend courses, take exams and gain full academic recognition for these by the sending institution.
Students may be awarded an Erasmus+ EU grant to help cover the travel and subsistence costs incurred in connection with their study period abroad.
Erasmus+ students - whether or not they receive an Erasmus+ EU grant - are exempted from paying fees for tuition, registration, examinations and access to laboratory and library facilities at the host institution (but not at the sending institution).

- academic year:  2024/2025

Academic year 2024-2025

Procedures for selected students

Before the Mobility
Learning Agreement - Linee guida per la compilazione
[Learning Agreement - Linee guida per la compilazione -  (pdf)]
Guidelines for filling out your Learning Agreement
[Guidelines for filling out your Learning Agreement -  (pdf)]

Call for applications

Erasmus+ Call for Application
[Erasmus+ Call for Application -  (pdf)]
Info In English
[<i>Info In English</i> -  (pdf)]

How to apply:

How to apply
[<i>How to apply</i> -  (pdf)]


Online Mobility Acceptance and Withdrawal INSTRUCTIONS
[Online Mobility Acceptance and Withdrawal INSTRUCTIONS -  (pdf)]

Informazioni aggiornate al: 16.9.2024 alle ore 14:06