"Machine learning glassy dynamics: What do humans learn?"
Seminar, Dipartimento di Fisica, Padova (Italy), 2025 -
"Machine learning glassy dynamics: What do humans learn?"
Seminar, H. H. Wills Laboratory, Bristol (U.K.), 2025 -
"Machine learning glassy dynamics: What do humans learn?"
Seminar, SISSA, Trieste (Italy), 2024 -
"Unsupervised learning and intrinsic dimension of amorphous structure"
Contributed talk, 12th Liquid Matter Conference, Mainz (Germany), 2024 -
"Unsupervised learning of amorphous structure"
Invited talk, First International Workshop on Complex Glasses, Warsaw (Poland), 2023 -
"Quantitative tests of the dynamic crossover scenario in glassy liquids"
Invited talk, International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems 9th, Chiba (Japan), 2023 -
"Machine learning glasses: What do humans learn?"
Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition XIX, Holbaek (Denmark), 2023 -
"Towards understanding glassy dynamics: from physical theories to machine learning"
Seminar, International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste (Italy), 2023 -
"Recent breakthroughs in the glass transition problem"
Seminar, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Università di Roma Tre, Rome (Italy), 2023 -
"Dynamic crossover and localization transition in glassy liquids"
Seminar, Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven (Netherlands), 2023 -
"Dimensionality reduction of structure in glassy liquids"
Invited talk, Machine Learning Glassy Dynamics, Collège de France (France), 2022 -
"Unsupervised learning of structure in glassy binary mixtures"
Contributed talk, Disorder's Role in Glass Formation and Deformation, Lorentz Center (Netherlands), 2022 -
"Glass structure through the prism of clustering"
Invited talk, Glassy Systems and Inter-Disciplinary Applications, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (France), 2021 -
"Distributional clustering approach to the heterogeneity of supercooled liquids"
Invited talk, Digital meeting - Recent advances on the glass problem, CECAM (Switzerland), 2021 -
"Statistical inference of structural communities in supercooled liquids"
Seminar, Laboratoire de Physiques de Solides, Université Paris-Sud, Paris (France), 2020 -
"Structural communities"
Seminar, Meeting of the Simons collaboration "Cracking the glass problem", Royaumont (France), 2019 -
"A new characteristic temperature for glassy dynamics"
Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition (XVI), Holbaek (Denmark), 2019 -
"Towards a coherent picture of the mode-coupling glass crossover"
Invited talk at national conference, The Physical Society of Japan 2019 Annual (74th) Meeting, Fukuoka (Japan), 2019 -
"A sharper view of glass formation"
Seminar, Department of Basic Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo (Japan), 2019 -
"Dynamic and thermodynamic crossovers on the way to glass formation"
Seminar, Department of Physics, University of Nagoya, Nagoya (Japan), 2019 -
"Clear-cut determination of the mode-coupling crossover in glass-forming liquids"
Contributed talk at national conference, Journées de Physique Statistique 2019, Paris (France), 2019 -
"Dynamic crossover in glass-forming liquids: Insights from multi-GPU simulations"
Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition (XV), Holbaek (Denmark), 2018 -
"Does swap Monte Carlo accelerate nucleation more than structural relaxation?"
Contributed talk, Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics VII, Bristol (U.K.), 2018 -
"Probing the laboratory glass transition with swap Monte Carlo simulations"
Invited talk at national conference, Workshop on Glass Transition and Active Matter, Strasbourg (France), 2017 -
"Catching up with experiments: Simulations of supercooled liquids beyond laboratory time scales"
Contributed talk, 10th Liquid Matter Conference, Ljubljana (Slovenia), 2017 -
"Equilibrium simulations of supercooled liquids beyond laboratory time scales"
Seminar, University of Bristol, Bristol (United Kingdom), 2017 -
"Equilibrium simulations of supercooled liquids beyond the laboratory glass transition"
Invited talk, CECAM workshop "Recent Advances on the Glass and Jamming Transitions", Lausanne (Switzerland), 2017 -
"Static sources of dynamic fluctuations in glass-formers"
Contributed talk, Statphys 26, Lyon (France), 2016 -
"HPC and atomistic simulations"
Seminar, HPC@LR computing center, University of Montpellier, Montpellier (France), 2016 -
"Disks, spheres and hyper-spheres: from order to disorder in condensed matter"
Seminar, Colloquium Alumnorum, University of Trieste, Trieste (Italy), 2016 -
"Non-universal role of local structure around the dynamic crossover"
Invited talk, CECAM workshop "The role of local structure in dynamic arrest", Mainz (Germany), 2015 -
"The dynamic crossover - insights from numerical simulations"
Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition (XIII), Holbaek (Denmark), 2015 -
"Local structure and dynamic heterogeneity: do they correlate?"
Contributed talk, Unifying Concepts in Glass Physics VI, Aspen (U.S.), 2015 -
"Quantifying structure-dynamics correlations in glassy systems"
Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition. XII, Holbaek (Denmark), 2014 -
"Probing length scales in viscous liquids by random pinning"
Contributed talk, 2nd International Workshop on Nonlinear Response in Complex Matter, Erlangen (Germany), 2013 -
"Structure-dynamics relationship in glass-forming liquids"
Seminar, Roskilde University, Roskilde (Denmark), 2013 -
"Gaussian particles at high density: local structure and slow dynamics"
Invited talk, 7th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxations in Complex Systems, Barcelona (Spain), 2013 -
"Many-body static correlations and fragility of viscous liquids"
Contributed talk, Unifying concepts in glass physics V, Paris (France), 2011 -
"Ultrasoft primitive model of polyelectrolytes in solution"
Invited talk, 32nd International Conference on Solution Chemistry, La Grande Motte (France), 2011 -
"Slow dynamics in cluster crystals and cluster glasses"
Contributed talk, International Workshop on Dynamics in Viscous Liquids, Rome (Italy), 2011 -
"Structural motifs, heterogeneity and dynamics in glassy systems"
Seminar, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, (Slovenia), 2010 -
"Amorphous order and unstable modes in close-packed and network glasses"
Invited talk, COST Workshop on Physics of Amorphous Solids, Les Houches (France), 2010 -
"Amorphous order and dynamic heterogeneity in glass-forming liquids"
Seminar, Laboratoire des Colloides, Verres et Nanomateriaux, Montpellier (France), 2010 -
"Snapshots of glassy energy landscapes"
Seminar, Vienna University, Vienna (Austria), 2009 -
"Strongly correlating liquids and density scaling of the dynamics"
Invited talk, International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation in Complex Systems 6th, Rome (Italy), 2009 -
"Close-packed and network-forming glasses: Two distinct universality classes?"
Seminar, Science College Seminar, Vienna (Austria), 2009 -
"Density scaling of the dynamics and pressure-energy correlations in fragile glass-formers"
Invited talk, Viscous Liquids and the Glass Transition VII, Holbaek (Denmark), 2009 -
"Understanding fragility in supercooled liquids: locally preferred structures and energy landscape"
Contributed talk, CECAM Workshop "Glasses meet glasses", Lyon (France), 2007 -
"Linking slow dynamics and local structure in simple models of glass-forming liquids"
Invited talk, 15th International Congress on Rheology, Monterey (U.S.), 2008 -
"Localized saddles and dynamic heterogeneities in supercooled liquids"
Seminar, Van t Hoff Institute, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 2006 -
"Dynamical heterogeneities and localized saddles in supercooled Lennard-Jones mixtures"
Contributed talk, CCP5 Summer Schhol 2006, Cardiff (U.K.), 2006