Danilo Amendola is a Software Engineer, he was PostDoc in ICT Engineering, he received the MSc degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the University of Calabria, in 2013, and received Ph.D. degree in Information and Communication Technologies Engineer from the Sapienza University of Rome, Italy in 2017. Since 2017, he joined the Department of Architecture and Engineering, University of Trieste, as a Postdoctoral fellow. Nowadays he works as a Software Engineer in Leonardo Company Spa (as Alten Spa Consultant). His research activity focuses on distributed communications, RFid, medium access control, live migration, virtual machines migration, internet of things, delay tolerant networks and ad hoc networks.
Served as a referee in:
PhD in ICT Engineering
Sapienza University of Rome
MEng in Telecommunication Engineering
University of Calabria
BSc in Computer Science
University of Calabria
I am a teaching instructor at University of Trieste.
My courses: