Oral communications
Thursday 28: Conference hall, ground floor. H3 building (2.30 pm - 4.30 pm)
Friday 29: Room 1A, first floor. H3 building (8.40 am - 11.30 am)
Preliminary Programme
Thursday, 28 November 2:30 - 4:18 pm
2:30 pm
Carlino D., Pillan S., Martini A., Mascolo M.
Outcomes of a computer-based cognitive rehabilitation program on Alzheimer’s disease patients compared with those on patients affected by Mild Cognitive Impairment (Abstract)
University of of Nova Gorica - Slovenia, University of Trieste - Italy, Policlinico San Giorgio, Pordenone, Italy
2:48 pm
Marin D.(1), Tomasino, B.(1), Maieron M.(2), Fabbro, F.(1), & Skrap, M.(3)
Effects of brain changes on visuospatial processing in right brain damaged patients as assessed by real-time neuropsychology (Abstract)
(1) IRCCS "E. Medea", San Vito al Tagliamento, Italy - (2) Fisica Medica A.O.S. Maria della Misericordia, Udine, Italy - (3) Unità Operativa di Neurochirurgia, A.O.S. Maria della Misericordia, Udine, Italy
3:06 pm
Prpic V.(1), Fumarola A.(1), DeTommaso M.(1), Brusaferro A.(2), & Agostini T(1)
Common spatial association for musical notes in piano and flute players (Abstract)
(1) Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy - (2) State Conservatory of Music "Jacopo Tomadini", Udine, Italy
3:24 pm
Stragà M, Del Missier F., Marcatto F. Ferrante D.
Memory bases of specific vs. global future intentions: Towards a behavioral dissociation (Abstract)
Department of Life Sciences - University of Trieste - Italy
3:42 pm
Kulkarni R., Rothstein S. & Treves A.
The Mass-Count Classification: A statistical and neural network approach (Abstract)
SISSA, Trieste, Italy
4:00 pm
Saksida A. & Langus A.
Encoding and labeling discrete movements and objects at 4 months (Abstract)
SISSA, Trieste, Italy
Friday, 29 November 8:40-11:04
8:40 am
Gamboz, N.1, Neroni M.A.1,2, & Brandimonte M.A.1
Does episodic future thinking improve prospective remembering? (Abstract)
1 Laboratory of Experimental Psychology, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples, Italy - 2 Human Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
8:58 am
Luccio R.
Desaguliers and the moon illusion: The very first experiments in experimental psychology? (Abstract)
Department of Life Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy
9:16 am
Ferrari V., Mastria S. & Bruno, N.
Crossmodal interactions during affective picture processing (Abstract)
Department of Neurosciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy
9:34 am
Bruno N. (1), Gabriele V. (1), Tasso T. (1), & Bertamini, M. (2)
“Selfies” reveal reveal systematic deviations from known principles of photographic composition (Abstract)
(1) Department of Neurosciences, University of Parma, Parma, Italy - (2) School of Psychology, University of Liverpool, UK
9:52 am
Gori S.(1,2), Mascheretti S. (2), Ruffino M. (2), Quadrell E.(3), Facoetti A. (1,2), Marino C.(4,5)
Discrete vulnerability due to a DCDC2/intron 2 deletion is associated with illusory motion impairments in healthy young adults (Abstract)
(1) University of Padua, Italy - (2) IRCCS Eugenio Medea, Lecco, Italy - (3) University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy - (4) Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec, Canada - (5) Université Laval, Québec, Canada
10:10 am
Marković S, Bulut T., Trkulja M. & Čokorilo V.
The effect of objects animacy on experience of beauty (Abstract)
Laboratory for Experimental Psychology, University of Belgrade, Serbia
10:28 am
Tošković O.
Curved spaces of a twisted mind. Anisotropy of perceived distance and effort (Abstract)
Laboratory for experimental psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade
10:46 am
Rinaldi L.(1), Lega C.(1), Cattaneo Z.(1), Girelli L.(1) & Bernardi N.F.(2)
Pitch and Grasp the Sound! Motor planning dances on pitch dimension (Abstract)
(1) Department of Psychology, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy - (2) Department of Psychology, McGill University, Québec, Canada