Postdoctoral researcher position
We are seeking candidates with relevant experience to work on experiments at the frontier of atomic physics and quantum science. The position is funded for at least 1.5 years by the EU Quantum Simulation Flagship project PASQuanS2. For those with significant post-graduate experience, the appointment may be at staff scientist level, and extensions will be possible. The start date is negotiable from spring 2025. We are an equal opportunity employer, members of all underrepresented groups are welcome.
Successful candidates will have the possibility to join an exciting and rapidly expanding field of research, conducting cutting-edge research at the frontier of fundamental quantum science and technology, joining the growing quantum technologies community. The group has many active collaborations, both theoretical and experimental, within the PASQuanS2 partner network and the European cold-atom community. We offer excellent working conditions and competitive salaries. Trieste is a city known for its multi-cultural identity and its very high quality of life, with pleasant surroundings including seaside and hills, offering at the same time a rich and diverse scientific environment -- one of the densest in Europe, quickly expanding in the field of quantum science and technology.
Interested candidates should have a solid and proven knowledge of advanced quantum mechanics, atomic physics and quantum optics. Previous experimental experience in optics and lasers is essential, as well as ability to think independently, conduct novel research, and work within a team to tackle significant new challenges both in physics and technology. To apply, please send your CV and the name of two references to Prof. Francesco Scazza (
The Area Science Park campus in Trieste

at the Area Science Park campus of Basovizza!
ArQuS Laboratory
c/o CNR Edificio Q2 - Area Science Park Basovizza
34149 Trieste - IT
Phone: +39 040 375 6415
E-mail: arquslab (AT) units (DOT) it