INNO-METHODS for Quality Curricula

Innovative Teaching Conference

Digital technologies have transformed the learning ecologies of higher education systems and offer new opportunities to create innovative quality curricula to deal with societal challenges.

Against this scenario, the “INNO-METHODS for quality curricula” conference intends to promote reflection on innovative teaching and quality curricula, share innovative teaching approaches enhanced by digital technologies and build a shared perspective for the T4EU Alliance.

It will be an opportunity for mutual exchange and enrichment, thanks to the participation of professors and experts from the whole T4EU Alliance, as well as of international experts.

Up to 10 teachers per partner university are invited to participate, as are researchers, PhD students and staff.

During the conference, the winners of the innovative Teaching Award Competition will be announced and the prize-giving ceremony will take place.

You can register simply by filling in the dedicated application form by 15th August EOD

First conference on Knowledge Entrepreneurship

We are pleased to announce the Call for Proposals for the upcoming Conference on Knowledge Entrepreneurship to be held on 06.09.2023 (afternoon) and 07.09.2023 at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany.

This conference aims to bring together researchers, academic staff, and teachers from all partner universities of the Transform4Europe Alliance to explore and discuss the emerging field of knowledge entrepreneurship and to share their experiences with knowledge entrepreneurship. 

Even if you do not intend to submit a proposal, you are welcome to join us and be a part of this exciting event. Please submit your proposals or your registration electronically using this form: by 08.08.2023.

All submissions will undergo a blind peer review process by the program committee. Notification of acceptance will be sent by 15.08.2023.

Saarland University will cover travel costs for up to 450 Euro and 110 Euro for accommodation per night.

For more information – especially about funding of your travel expenses – and updates, please contact:

Denise Vesper or

Anna-Maria Braun

LOL – Life in Original Language

WIthin the initiatives connected to the T4EU Project, Saturday, October the 22nd, the students of two partner Universities held an initiative for which they had started working a few months ago.

The international conference, entitled “Life in Original Language”, aimed at highlighting the incredible life experiences that language knowledge can bring you.

Three speakers from USaar (Lukas Redemann), SISSA (Nadia Bersier) and Units (Francesca Di Rosso) spoke about how they lived abroad, learned each time the local language, and how enriching it was to seek understanding between cultures.

But their message about multilingualism would have been less strong, if they hadn’t spoken each in their language (German, French and Italian), simultaneously interpreted by the students of the Studies Section in Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of the University of Trieste.

A special award goes to the Student Group “Trieste Interpreting Practice”, which launched the project and organized the whole event, granted by the University of Trieste and University of Saarland under the flag of the T4EU Alliance.

Margherita Giordano, T4EU Student Ambassador from Trieste comments: 

“As a language student, it was really interesting to hear how foreign languages can play an important role in the lives of people who use them on a daily basis as a way to communicate, rather than as the main element of their jobs or studies.

It was also very useful to learn more about the job of interpreters, and I found it fascinating to listen to them as they interpreted simultaneously.”

Multilingualism and Multiculturalism are indeed a corner stone in the Transform4Europe European University Project and are also part of one of the 3 key actions of the European Students Assembly.

In taking the initiative, the students of the partner Universities showed that these are not empty words and that they are ready to live up to it.