Electronic Engineering course, Trieste University, Electronic II exam

Butterfly Block
for Xilinx ISE 6.1.01i development tool

Giovanni Biancuzzi, Igor Cerniava, Mitja Gustin


This project provides a Butterfly Block ready to be used on the Xilinx ISE 6.1.01i to design FFT  blocks . It calculates the results of a butterfly block getting the input data from an external RAM. Due to the presence of a multiplier inside, it must be used sequentially on couples of samples in order to use only one block at a time. It has all the I/O necessary to interface with the external blocks . The project is just a building block and must be integrated in a larger project in order to be used on the Xess board.


butterfly.doc 341KB
(In Italian) Click here to download the documentation file (Word)
This documentation explains step by step how the block works.

butterfly.zip 464KB
Click here to download the full XILINX project.
This archive file holds all vhdl modules and schematics that compose the project.