Electronic Engineering course, Trieste University, Electronic II exam

Oscilloscope on PC Monitor
o n   b o a r d  X e s s   X S A - 5 0 + X S T - 2

Giulio Grassi, Luca Zanella, Luca Todesco


This project develops a single trace oscilloscope, obtained configuring the FPGA on the XESS XSA-50 board. So the function of this circuit is to draw a V/t graph, a graph of voltage against time (voltage on the vertical or Y-axis and time on the horizontal or X-axis) of an analog signal, using the XESS boards like a digital oscilloscope. The signal is visualized on a common VGA monitor.
This project needs the XESS Xstend board, because this expansion board is provided with the A/D converter required to convert the analog input signal to a digital one.
However there are some restrictions due to the low sampling frequency of this element.In fact only audio signals can be visualized correctly.
It is possible to select,through a common PS2 keyboard linked to the board,some visualization options like change zoom or change time base. Possible options,keyboard commands and their functions are shown on the documentation file below.
Clicking on the icons below you can download all files that make up the project.
debug4.bit 68.3KB
Click here to download the bitstream file, ready to be downloaded on XSA-50.
tesina.doc 293KB
(In Italian) Click here to download the documentation file (Word)
This documentation explains step by step how to achieve the final circuit.
This file explains also how to use the oscilloscope, illustrating the function of each keyboard command.
debug5.zip 1.14MB
Click here to download the full XILINX project.
This archive file holds all vhdl modules and schematics that compose the project.