Electronic Engineering Course, Trieste University, Electronic II Examination




Driver display LCD Hitachi HD77480

on board Xess XSA-50






Punis Stefano

Pivetta Francesco

Guida Alessio





This project implements on a XESS XSA-50 board a driver circuit for lcds based on Hitachi controller HD44780.

The project can set up the display on the basis of its specifications and then print the available characters.

It is essentially composed by a management component and by a 16x8 interface ram memory.

It can be used with any input device with a 8 bit character codification.

In the files that make up the project, a test ram is implemented as a simulation of a real input system. On the links below you can download all the files that make up the project.





Download the bitstream file completo.bit (68.3 KB), ready to be downloaded on XSA-50

Download the documentation file relazione.doc (1.30 MB) in Italian (DOC format)

Download the complete project completo.zip (1.36 MB), with all files and all modules (ZIP file)

Download the printed circuit for the LCD (PDF format 9 KB)

Download the printed circuit for the LCD (WinCircuit 2000 format 5.98 KB) WinCircuit 2000 required

For more informations about WinCircuit 2000 visit the site:
