Buddy Greene/
Praise Harmonica

Titolo Praise Harmonica
Autore Buddy Greene
Prodotto da Bubba Smith
Casa discografica Fortress Records
Data pubblicazione 1987
Supporto Cassetta
Brani What a friend we have in Jesus; His eye is on the sparrow
Life is like a mountain railroad; This train
Saviour like a Shepherd lead us; Psalm 23 (br. James'aire)
There is a balm in Gilead; Amen
How gracious is the Lord
Amazing grace
Were you there; When I survey the wondrous cross; The old rugged cross
Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Something about that name; Oh, how I love Jesus
When the roll is called up yonder; I'll fly away
I need thee every hour; My Jesus I love thee

[Buddy Greene]