Curriculum vitae

CV in pdf format: full|brief

Current position

I am associate professor at the Physics Department of the University of Trieste (Italy) since 2020.

Academic track


My research interests deal with the physics of disordered systems, with the focus on supercooled liquids and glasses. I am also interested in modelling the phase behavior, structure and dynamics of soft condensed matter. My work is based on statistical physics methods, computer simulations and some tools borrowed from data science.

Over the years I developed a computational approach based on reproducible research, high-performance computing and on a high-level simulation framework called atooms, which I develop.

I am the author of 46 peer-reviewed papers (full list), h-index = 27 (Web Of Science, 2024/12).

Full list of seminars and talks at international conferences.



Research grants

Academic service

Conferences' organization



I teach at the "Laurea Magistrale" in Physics and at the "Laurea Triennale" in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics at the University of Trieste, since 2020/2021. Prior to that, I taught for 10 years at the Department of Physics of the University of Montpellier in France. My teaching activity included frontal lessons, exercices, experimental and numerical lab sessions on the following topics:

Since 2023, I also teach for the Ph.D. program in Physics at the University of Trieste.

Teaching in foreign institutions


Students' supervision

PhD students

Master students