Curriculum vitae
Current position
I am associate professor at the Physics Department of the University of Trieste (Italy) since 2020.
Academic track
- Abilitazione scientifica nazionale, professore di seconda fascia settore 02/B2
MIUR (Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca), Italy, 2018/08 - Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)
University of Montpellier, France, 2017/02 - Maitre de conférences (Associate Professor)
Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, University of Montpellier, Montpellier (France), 2011-2020 - Maitre de conférences (Associate Professor)
Laboratoire de Colloïdes, Verres et Nanomatériaux, University of Montpellier 2, Montpellier (France), 2010-2011 - Post-doc
Soft Matter Theory group, Technische Universität Wien, Austria, 2008-2010 - Ph.D. in Physics
University of Trieste, Italy, 2005-2008
Supervisor: Giorgio Pastore - Fellowship CNR-INFM
Centro di simulazione CNR-INFM "Democritos", Trieste, Italy, 2004/09-2004/12 - Laurea in Physics
University of Trieste, Italy, 1999-2004
Supervisor: Giorgio Pastore; grade: 110/110 cum laude
My research interests deal with the physics of disordered systems, with the focus on supercooled liquids and glasses. I am also interested in modelling the phase behavior, structure and dynamics of soft condensed matter. My work is based on statistical physics methods, computer simulations and some tools borrowed from data science.
Over the years I developed a computational approach based on reproducible research, high-performance computing and on a high-level simulation framework called atooms, which I develop.
I am the author of 46 peer-reviewed papers (full list), h-index = 27 (Web Of Science, 2024/12).
Full list of seminars and talks at international conferences.
- JSPS Invitational Fellowship for Research in Japan (Short Term), 2019
University of Tokyo and University of Nagoya
- IOP Outstanding Reviewer Award 2022, 2022
- Prime d'encadrement doctoral et de recherche (PEDR), 2018
- Top reviewer award for the Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012
- ICTP Award, International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), 2004
- Luciano Fonda scolarship for undergraduate students in Physics, 2000
Research grants
- Participant in ERC project
"Statistical physics of dense particle systems in the absence of thermal fluctuations", 2012-2017
Principal investigator: Ludovic Berthier - Principal investigator in PRACE project
"Amorphous order in glassy silica", 2014/03-2015/03 - Principal investigator in PRACE project
"Multi-GPU parallel tempering simulations", 2013/07-2014/01
Academic service
- Member of hiring committee for tenure-track researcher (RTT)
Università di Roma La Sapienza, 2023 - System administration of HPC cluster
Theory and Simulation of condensed matter group, University of Trieste, 2022- - International relations delegate
Department of Physics, University of Trieste, 2022- - Coordinator of seminars' organization
Department of Physics, University of Trieste, 2022- - Member of Ph.D. board
Ph.D. in Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of Trieste, 2021- - Member of hiring committee for associate professor
University of Trieste, 2021 - Member of hiring committee for senior post-doc (RTDa)
University of Trieste, 2021 - Member of admission committee for the Collegio "Luciano Fonda"
Collegio "Luciano Fonda", University of Trieste, 2020/07 - Member of Ph.D. hiring committee
École doctorale I2S, University of Montpellier, 2019/06 - Head of the "Statistical Physics" group at the Charles Coulomb Laboratory
University of Montpellier, 2016-2019 - Member of "comité de section" (expert pool) CNU 28
University of Montpellier, 2017- - Member or external examiner in 11 PhD commitees, 2011-
Conferences' organization
- Member of programme committee, "International Workshop on Dynamics in Viscous Liquids"
Montpellier (France), 2015/05 - Co-organizer of mini-colloquium "Fluids in confinment in and out of equilibrium"
Journées de la Matière Condensée 14, Paris (France), 2014/08 - Co-organizer of "Complex dynamics of fluids in disordered and crowded environments"
CECAM workshop, Lyon (France), 2010/06
- Referee for peer-review journals:
Communications Physics, European Journal of Physics B, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Nature Communications, Nature Physics, Physical Review B, Physical Review E, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review Research, Physical Review X, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Soft Matter, Science Advances, Scientific Reports, SciPost Physics, - Reviewer for research funding agencies:
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, French national research agency), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German national funding agency), Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO, Dutch Research Council), Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Université franco-allemande (France-Germany), Fondo Sociale Europeo, Regione Friuli Venezia-Giulia (Italy), Programma "Rita Levi Montalcini" (MIUR, Italian Ministry of University and Research), Labex PALM, Paris-Saclay (France),
I teach at the "Laurea Magistrale" in Physics and at the "Laurea Triennale" in Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics at the University of Trieste, since 2020/2021. Prior to that, I taught for 10 years at the Department of Physics of the University of Montpellier in France. My teaching activity included frontal lessons, exercices, experimental and numerical lab sessions on the following topics:
- classical mechanics
- thermodynamics
- waves
- dynamical systems
- disordered systems
- simulation methods
- high-performance computing
- code optimization
- software management
Since 2023, I also teach for the Ph.D. program in Physics at the University of Trieste.
Teaching in foreign institutions
- Lab session on "Molecular Dynamics / Glasses"
DPG School on Computational Physics of Complex and Disordered Systems, Bad Honnef (Germany), 20/09/2015 - Lab session "Python for physicists" on the Python language
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo (Japan), 19/03/2019
- Coordinator of the teaching committee on thermodynamics and statistical physics courses
Département d'enseignement de Physique, University of Montpellier, 2019 - Teaching supervisor of the 2nd year of Physics ("responsable d'année")
University of Montpellier, 2015-2020 - Member of the teaching committee to organize Physics courses
Département d'enseignement de Physique, University of Montpellier, 2013
Students' supervision
PhD students
- Advisor of Michele Matteucci, University of Trieste, 2024-
- Advisor of Marco Dirindin, University of Trieste, 2023-
- Advisor of Leonardo Galliano, University of Trieste, 2023-
- Advisor of Joris Paret, University of Montpellier, 2018-2021
- Co-advisor of Andrea Ninarello, University of Montpellier, 2014-2017
- Co-advisor of Pascal Nadal, University of Montpellier, 2013-2016
Master students
- Advisor of 9 master students, 2013-
- Advisor for projects and internships of undergraduate students, 2013-