CIKM 2018 will host tutorials covering topics in the whole spectrum of information and knowledge management. Half-day and full-day tutorials that are of interest to the research community as well as application developers will take place after the main conference, on Friday, October 26, 2018. Attendees of these tutorials pay a separate registration fee to cover the facility costs.
We solicit proposals for both half- and full-day tutorials from active researchers and experienced tutors. Ideally, a tutorial will cover the state-of-the-art research, development and applications on a specific topic in the general areas of databases, information retrieval, and knowledge management. CIKM 2018 rewards each accepted tutorial with one free registration for the main conference, plus $1000 as an honorarium.
Each tutorial proposal must include the following information.
All above deadlines are based on the Anywhere on Earth time.
For further information, contact the Tutorial Committee Chairs at