Emanuele graduated under the supersivion of Prof. Gianturco in 2006 at "Sapienza" University of Rome, and then got the PhD in the same group in 2009, with a thesis entitled "Chemical solutions in a quantum solvent: a study of doped helium clusters", using quantum Monte Carlo methods. He got a post-doc position at the University of L'Aquila in 2010-2014 within the ERC project "MultiscaleChemBio" by Prof. Guidoni, working on development and application of quantum Monte Carlo methods for the electronic structure of molecules of biological interest. He spent two years (2014-2016) as a post-doc at Sorbonne University in Paris (supervised by Eleonora Luppi and Julien Toulouse) working on theoretical time-resolved approaches to investigate highly nonlinear optical processes, as high-harmonic generation, in atoms and molecules interacting with intense laser fields. In late 2016 Emanuele joined the group of Prof. Corni (CNR in Modena and University of Padova), PI of the ERC project 'TAME-Plasmons', focusing on the role of coherence and plasmonic effects in the control of molecular optical properties occurring at ultrafast scale. From 2018 to 2021, Emanuele was Assistant Professor at  the the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of University of Trieste.

Since December 2021, Emanuele is Associate Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences of University of Trieste. In 2023 his project CHANGE has been funded by 224K Euros, in collaboration with CNR-IFN in Milan.

Head of PhotoInduced Quantum Dynamics Group at the University of Trieste.


Research interests

- time-resolved linear and nolinear spectroscopies of atoms, molecules and nanostructures;

- open quantum systems by means of stochastic Schrödinger equation;

- role of electronic correlation in molecules by means of quantum Monte Carlo approaches;

- high-performance computing.


Giulia Dall'Osto (PostDoc, 2D spectroscopy), Chiara Morassut (PhD student, HHG spectroscopy), Leonardo Biancorosso (PhD student, molecular plasmonics), Marco Marchetta (PhD student, HHG spectroscopy), Rilinda Plakaj (PhD student, molecular plasmonics)


Eleonora Luppi and Julien Toulouse (Sorbonne University), Stefano Corni (University of Padova), Giovanni De Ninno (University of Nova Gorica and ELETTRA), Jean Christophe Tremblay (University of Lorraine), Caterina Vozzi and Davide Facciala' (CNR-IFN, Milan), Margherita Marsili (University of Bologna), Ali Hassanali (ICTP)

Selected publications

C. Morassut, A. Ravindran, A. Ciavardini, E. Luppi, G. De Ninno and E. Coccia, J. Phys. Chem. A., 128 (2024), 2015, High-Harmonic Generation Spectroscopy of Gas-Phase Bromoform

G. Dall’Osto, M. Marsili, M. Vanzan, D. Toffoli, M. Stener, S. Corni and E. Coccia, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 146 (2024), 2208, Peeking into the Femtosecond Hot-Carrier Dynamics Reveals Unex- pected Mechanisms in Plasmonic Photocatalysis

M. Monti, M. Stener and E. Coccia, J. Chem. Phys., 158 (2023), 08402, Electronic circular dichroism from real-time propagation in state space

E. Luppi and E. Coccia: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 3729 (2021) Probing the molecular frame of uracil and thymine with high-harmonic generation spectroscopy

E. Coccia, J. Fregoni, C. A. Guido, M. Marsili, S. Pipolo and S. Corni: J. Chem. Phys., 153, 200901 (2020), Hybrid theoretical models for molecular nanoplasmonics 

G. Dall’Osto, E. Coccia, C. A. Guido and S. Corni: Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 16734 (2020), Investigating ultrafast two-pulse experiments on single DNQDI fluorophore: a stochastic quantum approach

E. Coccia, F. Troiani, S. Corni: J. Chem. Phys., 148, 204112 (2018), Probing quantum coherence in ultrafast molecular processes: an ab initio approach to open quantum systems


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- Tecniche di programmazione in chimica computazionale, master in Chemistry at University of Trieste; 

- Statistical Thermodynamics, master in Chemistry at University of Trieste;

- Chimica computazionale, master in Chemistry at University of Trieste.