DIGITAL ELECTRONICS AND DEVICES - a.a. 2024/2025 ================================================ (prof. Sergio Carrato and Alberto Carini) The course is composed of two parts, 3 cfu's each Syllabus of the course ====================== First part: Electronic devices (prof. Carrato, 3 cfu's) ----------------------------------------------------- Basics in solid state physics [Fonstad, Sze02, Singh, Ghione]. The pn junction [Sze02, chap. 4]. The BJT. The MOS "junction"[Pierret, p. 31--46] and the MOSFET transistor [Calzolari]. Integrated circuit (IC) production technology [Hastings, chap. 2; Ghione]. Three IC production processes: standard bipolar, polysilicon-gate CMOS, analog BiCMOS (hint) [Hastings, chap. 3]. Bunnysuit (hint). Scaling in ICs [Fonstad, p. 580--585]. Deviations from the ideal models [Fonstad, p. 151-154, 203-207, 275-285]. Hints: Shottky junction [Singh, chap. 6], MESFETs [Mayer, chap. 5.7]. Second part: Digital electronics (prof. Carini, 3 cfu's) ------------------------------------------------------ Introduction: Quality Metrics of a Digital Design, cost, functionality and robustness, performance, power and energy consumption. The wire: Interconnect parameters, electrical wire models. The CMOS inverter: static behavior; dynamic behavior; power, energy,and energy-delay product. Combinational logic gates in CMOS: static CMOS design, dynamic CMOS design. BiCMOS logic gates. CMOS structures for VLSI: Pass Transistor, Pass transistor logic, Dynamic logic. Memories : read only memories , non volatile memories , read and write memories, static RAM and dynamic RAM. Preliminary knowledge --------------------- The teachers assume that the students are confident in topics such as Electric circuit theory, Electronics, Logical networks. Exam ==== The exam aims at verifying that the student is confident with electronic devices (working principles and fabrication) and the main technologies used in analog and digital electronics. The exam consist of two oral tests, one for each part. For each part, two or three questions are asked during the exam, covering as far as possible the whole spectrum of the course contents. The final marks of each part are the weighted average of the marks related to each question. Weights could vary with the importance of the topic discussed. The exam final mark is the rounded average of the marks of the single parts. The student is asked - for the exams in the "official" dates: - to register on ESSE3, also specifying, in the field "note per il docente", the part he/she is interested in - for the "monthly" exams: - to send an email to the teacher of the part he/she is interested in Textbooks ========== For the first part ------------------ Boylestad, Nashelsky, "Electronic devices and circuit theory", Prentice Hall, 1996 (Bibl. Deei 04/E/0076). Pier Ugo Calzolari, Sergio Graffi, "Elementi di elettronica" Zanichelli, 1984 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21a / 0175) Feldman, "The Physics and circuit properties of transistors", John Wiley & Sons, ?? (fotocopie presso prof. Carrato) Fonstad, ``Microelectronic devices and circuits'', McGraw-Hill, 1994 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. XXIa/186). Ghione, ``Dispositivi per la microelettronica, Mc Graw-Hill, 1998 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. XXIa/192/bis). Gray et al., "Physical Electronics and circuit models of transistors", John Wiley & Sons, ?? (Bibl. Deei II/F/78II e IV/B/35/II) A. Hastings, "The art of analog layout", Prentice Hall, 2001 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21b/0021). Horowitz, Hill, The art of electronics, 3rd edition (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21a/0155) Chenming C. Hu, Modern Semiconductor Devices for Integrated Circuits, Prentice-Hall, 2009 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21a / 0252) H. Kaeslin, ``Digital Integrated Circuit Design'', Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2008 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 20a / 0158). Mayer, Lau, "Electronic Material Science: For Integrated Circuits inSi and GaAs", MacMillan Publishing Company, New York, 1990 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21a/0218) Neamen, "Semiconductor physics & devices", Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 1997 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21a/0198). K. G. Nichols and E. V. Vernon, "Transistor physics", Chapman and Hall, 1966 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21a / 0063) Pierret, Field effect devices, 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21a/0222). Pierret, Advanced semiconductor fundamentals, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall, 2002 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21a/0220) Rabaey, "Digital integrated circuits, a design perspective", Prentice-Hall, 2003 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21b/0028) B. Razavi, Design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, McGraw-Hill, 2001 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21b/0025) Seidman, ``Integrated circuits applications handbook'', John Wiley & Sons (Bibl. Deei 4/B/96). Singh, ``Semiconductor devices'', McGraw-Hill, 1994 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. XXIa/197) Sze02, ``Semiconductor devices, physics and technology'', 2nd edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2002 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21/a/225). Tuinenga, ``SPICE: a guide to circuit simulation and analysis using PSpice'', Prentice Hall, 1992 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. XXib/13). Uyemura, ``Physical design of CMOS integrated circuits using L-EDIT'', PWS publishing company, 1995 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. XXIb/0018). Bart Van Zeghbroeck, ``Principles of semiconductor devices'', Several application notes (Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, National...) are available on the teacher's web site. For the second part ------------------- J. M. Rabaey, A. Chandrakasan, B. Nikolic, Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective, Pearson, 2003 (Bibl. Tecn. Sc. 21b / 0028)